Also being a DOT champion, means that she can go for Liandry and use it to disgusting effectiveness. Because each tick of her poison will refresh GW.

As a DOT champion, she can very easily not only apply Grievous Wounds, but also maintain it for longer a duration than non-DOT champions. This ability is also something that would be bitched about endlessly if Cass was even remotely popular. Its a disengage ult that also just straight up sets up picks in combination with her W. This ult is what really brings the idea together. So you can't flash away after the stun is going. Because before the Stun wears off, Cass will cast W on you. And when this happens, Point 3 will swiftly occur as well. If you jump the ADC, Cass is going to R you. Because if you approach that ADC, Cass is going to R you. What do you do, to get on this ADC that Cass is babysitting? Exactly, its a puzzle. Everyone knows what the fuck Cass's R does, so riddle me this. Why? Because as a support cass, you don't actually go up front to try and land picks with this. That does sound tricky, but it actually isn't tricky for you. Does it have requirements to land the 2 second stun? Yes, the enemy champions have to be facing your direction. She isn't just a poke support that can ground enemies, she also has access to a 2 second AOE stun. This is such a gigantic ability that can lead to many picks and even save allies by preventing enemies from reaching them. Which guess what? That W also fucks Yas over too, he can't E spam out of it. This ability would be complained about endlessly if Cass had Yasuo's popularity. This also includes flash, characters can not flash out of W. This is a HUGE debuff against several popular champions. For those unaware, Grounding prevents the afflicted from using mobility abilities. Miasma is one of the few abilities in the entire game with the Grounding Debuff. All those the poke mages WISH they could just ignore spending gold on T1/T2 boots to get their AP items more quickly. While it doesn't seem like a difference, it is. This ultimately means she can go for core items instead, as well as have more gold for wards. Unlike other support who would have to spend gold on boots or get the boot-rune, Cass just naturally gains increasing amounts of Movement speed. As a role that doesn't drown in money, this money-saving passive actually means a lot more than it does to Mid Cass. You can easy reach 300 damage with this early, which is a lot for an ability with 850 range and 3.5 seconds of cooldown.

The base damage of this ability goes up to 215 and has a 90% AP scaling. Even if you don't kill them, bullying them out of the lane early enough is huge, it allows your ADC to push/farm at their leisure. This + Scorch + Aery lets you bully the enemy bot lane out. You max this first, because its extremely easy poke to land. Not only does it have range, it actually deals really decent damage when you max it first and is immediately one of the key differences between Mid Cass and Support Cass. Very few champions can contest that range, it basically comes down to other poke champions who can react to you. Let that sink in, that means you're out ranging the vast majority of ADCs AND enemy support picks. Let me list them, as someone who has been playing Cass support lately and finding success, even if I don't always win the game. But she can function as support, as other Mages have. Would she function better in mid? Probably. Cassiopeia, has several factors in her favor for support.